© Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König / B-B-B-Books/ Hasselblad Foundation
The Book Källström-Fäldt is shortlisted at The Rencontres d’Arles Book Awards 2023 as 1 out of 23 entries selected for the Photo-Text Award
23 books shortlisted
[Title, photographer/author, publisher, city, country]
Källström-Fäldt, Klara Kallstrom & Thobias Faldt, co-édition Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz Köning / B-B-B-Books / Hasselblad Foundation, Gothenburg, Sweden
Qui êtes-vous Polly Maggoo?, William Klein, Delpire & co, Paris, France
Better not move, Petra Noordkamp, Architectura & Natura, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dizionario Vol 1 (2012 – 2022), Luca Massaro, Art Paper Editions, Ghent, Belgium
Fields of sight, Gauri Gill, Édition Patrick Fray, Zürich, Switzerland
22 Days in Between, Salih Basheer, Disko Bay, Copenhagen, Denmark
L’agriculture comme écriture, Nina Ferrer-Gleize, Éditions GwinZegal, Guingamp, France
Dear Franklin, Kurt Tong, Atelier EXB, Paris, France
Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery, Hristina Tasheva, Autoédition/Self-Publishing, Breda, the Netherlands
Te Amo, Luis Cobelo, La Chancleta Voladora, Mexico City, Mexico
Utopia Ending, Gianluca Calisw, The Velvet Cell, Berlin, Germany
Disparations, Cyril Burget, Editions d’une rive à l’autre, Paris, France
So Far So Good, No Sovereign Author, Witty Books, Turin, Italia
Tufnell Park Hilton (TPH), Chris Shaw, Zen Photo Gallery, Berwick, United Kingdom
L’amour seul brisera nos cœurs, Bérangère Fromont, à la maison printing, Paris France
La Suite Basque, Charles Freger, L’Artiere Edizioni, Bologna, Italy
Ukraine – Hundred Hidden Faces, Émeric Lhuisset, André Frère Éditions, Marseille France
I hide myself whithin my flowers, Mariken Kramer, Multipress, Oslo, Norway
Le Stade de la Lose, Olivier Cablat, co-édition Poursuite / Images Vevey / GwinZegal / RVB Books
Debaltsevo, Where are you?, Karine Zenja Versluis, The Eriskay Connection, Breda, the Netherlands
Klara and the Bomb, Crystal Bennes, The Eriskay Connection, Breda, the Netherlands
Where’s the Afters?, Nik Erik Neubauer, National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenja
Anti Installation, Geoffroy Mathieu / Jordi Ballesta, Building Books, Paris France
”Each book submitted is deposited in the library of the École nationale supérieure de la photographie d’Arles. The shortlist is presented to the public in a dedicated place throughout the festival and the Book Award winners are announced during opening week.”